The motel in Queenstown advertised with “Dramatic Lake Views”. Not a word of that line was a lie, Lake Wakatipu offers stunning views with dramatic clouds swooping up and down the mountainsides any time of the day. The drive from Te Anau to Queenstown over the Devil’s Staircase already impresses but after spending the night in Queenstown and pushing onward through the Haast Pass towards Glacier County it is easy to see why New Zealand is such a popular destination.
Smells of flower on the lake side, roaring waterfalls, sweeping roads and steep climbs while walking reward you with spectacular vistas every corner the road takes you. Due to the heavy rainfall things don’t always go as planned and waiting for slips to be cleared is something you have to take into account when driving but the feeling of being alone on the world in many of the remote places is indescribable.